Water Testing and Infrared Thermography
Water and Flood Testing
Often times it is useful to perform water testing in order to determine the source of water leaks. Various methods of water testing are employed to help the staff at EBI retrace various leaks into buildings including spray bar tests and window sill water tests. Expertise is required in order to properly design the field test and interpret the results. Monitoring the resultant moisture content and understanding how water migrates through the building wall is critical in order to arrive at the correct conclusions.
Water testing can also be helpful to determine whether newly installed waterproofing systems are performing as designed. Upon completion of new work, water tests and flood tests can simulate rain storm events so problems can be caught prior to re-installing cosmetic finishes. This can give the EBI team the opportunity to observe how the newly completed work will perform under similar conditions.

Thermal Imaging Assessment

Engineered Building Inspections P.C. is at the cutting edge of the latest techniques and processes when evaluating building leaks and defects. To this end they have invested in Thermal Imaging Equipment that can help identify potential locations of seepage without the need of destructive probing.
Thermal images are visual displays of the amount of infrared energy emitted within a concealed building element. A thermal imaging device is capable of performing algorithms to interpret this data and build an image that will give the professionals at EBI clues that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye.
Adding this technology to their tool box gives EBI an advantage when diagnosing troublesome building leaks and can assist them in providing an accurate recommendation to correct the condition.
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